A little sand between your toes always takes away your woes.
As the ocean is never full of water, so is the heart never full of love.
At the beach – time you enjoyed wasting, is not time wasted.
Beach: Fun in the sun.
Big names. Bigger party.
Bounce on over to the Beach Ball!
Celebrating the summer in style.
Come ashore and party some more!
Eternity begins and ends with the ocean’s tides.
Good times and tan lines.
Hangin with my gull-friends
Have a splashing good time at the beach.
Have endless fun in the indoor sun!
I dropped a tear in the ocean, and whenever they find it I’ll stop loving you, only then.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.
I run on island time.
In every out thrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.
It’s great to be beside the beautiful seaside.
Life’s a beach and I’m just playing in the sand.
Life’s a beach and then you move to one.
Life’s at ease with an ocean breeze.
Life’s a beach and I’m just playing in the sand.
Live in sunshine, swim in sea, drink the wild air.
Live, Laugh, Love
Make a Splash, Go to the beach.
May you always have a shell in your pocket and sand in your shoes.
My life is like a stroll on the beach…as near to the edge as I can go.
On the beach, you can live in bliss.
One learns first of all in beach living the art of shedding; how little one can get along with, not how much.
Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone.
Reach the beach and have some fun!
Ride the Tide.
Salt in the air, sand in my hair.
Sand on my feet, drink in my hand.
Sand, surprises, and swimsuits await!
Seas the day.
Splash in the water, play in the sand, when you’re at the beach, life is just grand.
Sponges grow in the ocean. That just ‘gets’ me. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be if that didn’t happen.
Summers here, Surf is up so head to the Beach Ball.
Take me to the ocean.
The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea.
The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.
The sun and the sand and a drink in my hand.
The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.
The waves of the sea Help me get back to me.
Time to get your beach on.
To the beach!
Toes in the sand and a drink in your hand.
We know how to throw a party.
You can shake the sand from your toe but you can’t shake it from your soul.
Your inlet to fine living.
© 2022 A Collection of Slogans and Taglines