No Littering Slogans 2024

- Last updated: 2022-05-24 09:23:58

Anti-Litter, Don’t Be Bitter, Stop This Litter!

Be clean, be green, be a recycling machine.

Be part of the solution, not the pollution.

Can it for a greener planet.

Clean homes. Clean earth.

Cleaning spaces. Creating happy faces.

Don’t litter, it makes the world bitter.

Don’t pay the price, keep our city nice…don’t litter.

Don’t trash our future, recycle.

Earth is your Wealth.

Every litter bit hurts.

Experience a healthier, cleaner home.

Experience the difference.

Feed the can, man.

Fight dirty. Keep our parks clean.

Fill me up buttercup.

Free time is priceless.

Garbage out, garbage in: Life on region’s littered streets.

Give a hoot, don’t pollute.

Green city, clean city, my dream city.

Green house cleaning, its all about you.

Here today, reused tomorrow.

I hate that empty feeling inside.

Idaho is too great to litter.

If you litter, the future will be bitter.

Join the green side.

Litter – It makes the city and the planet bitter.

Litter and you’re rubbish.

Litter: more harmful than you realize.

Littering is Trashy.

Money does grow on trees, recycle paper.

My home cleaned my way.

Nobody does it better.

Our reputation is spotless.

Our state is not your dumpster! Don’t litter!

Professional quality cleaning with a personal touch.

Proud people don’t litter.

Put trash in its place.

Recycle your trash or trash your earth.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle.

Slam dunk the junk.

Stop littering. The earth is not your garbage can.

Swept away.

Take care of the earth and she will take care of you.

The world outside your car is not your personal ashtray.

There is no planet B.

We believe your weekends weren’t made for housework.

You are the only cure for litter.

You can’t afford to be trashy.

You think we like picking up after you?

Your mother does not work here.

© 2024 A Collection of Slogans and Taglines